Contexts for Understanding NAGPRA Practices
The resources in this section can be used together as a complete unit within a class or broken apart to be interwoven into any classroom or digital format. They focus on the context of NAGPRA, meaning that they provide a framework for understanding the ideas, experiences, needs, and requirements of NAGPRA. The authors do not describe the specifics of consultation or legal parameters of repatriation. Instead, we offer modules, videos and classroom activities that help students grasp some of the complexities of such topics as representation, structural violence, survivance, sovereignty, educational inequity, and social or cultural diversity. We are concerned with framing these issues in ways that challenge and offer alternatives to the traditional “banking” approach to education that is common in Euro-American academic settings, by emphasizing Native American rhetoric, Red Pedagogy, and emotional intelligence.
Our products include online lectures by team members and links to pre-existing online sources; modules for seminars that comprise a reading assignment, a writing, thinking or research assignment (in or out of class), and a structure for a discussion or in class engagement (questions, performances, or debates); video “field trips” that consist of interviews with specialists and professionals in the context of their NAGPRA related work (the students will see the interviewee in their lab or professional setting so that the interviewee can use their working environment to clarify their points). All materials for the modules should be printable to allow access to them by those without Internet.